Tuesday, May 22, 2018

download Romans Under New Light: Bridging the Doctrines of Catholics and Protestants - Philip B Brown .pdf

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...that they may be one even as we are one... John 17:21-23 On the night before the crucifixion, Jesus prayed that we, the Church, would be one even as he and the heavenly Father are one. This was probably true during the time of the first church. But it's certainly not true today. Does the Father answer the prayers of Jesus? Will Jesus return to find his Church split between the Eastern Orthodox, the Roman Catholics, and the Protestants? Or can we expect a Great Awakening in the Church which will fundamentally unite the Church? Can we expect to agree on every doctrinal issue before Christ returns? Perhaps not. But if we can.
Romans Under New Light: Bridging the Doctrines of Catholics and Protestants book
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